The Cognitive Abilities Test comprises four test batteries, each of which contains two tests. The tests assess the main types of mental processing which play a substantial role in human thought. Together, they provide users with a comprehensive understanding of the core abilities related to learning.
The batteries include evaluation of
Verbal Reasoning - the ability to think constructively using concepts framed in words
Quantitative Reasoning - the ability to understand concepts framed in numbers
Non - verbal Reasoning - the ability to analyze visual information such as shapes and patterns
Spatial ability - the ability to recognize sequences and the relationship between shape and space
Personalized feedback is provided:
Cognitive Abilities Test individual report for students
Cognitive Abilities Test individual report for parents
English Proficiency Test:
Place students at the right level quickly and reliably. By offering the right mix of challenge and fun, the Oxford Placement Tests provides a positive testing experience every time.
100% online with a child-friendly sign in system.
Automatically marked with instant results so you can start teaching the same day.
The Learning Management System makes it easy to set up tests and manage results.
Computer adaptive technology gives more precise results than traditional placement tests.
Results include a CEFR level (Pre-A1 to B1), a score out of 80, and the time taken.
Child-friendly report cards include results for each section, a score guide and information on learner abilities.